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Sport for Good Highlight

Sport for Good Highlight

AFH Sport for Good Highlight: Major League Baseball

On March 30, all thirty MLB teams played on Opening Day to officially kick off the 2023 season. While the next seven months will be full of incredible moments on the baseball diamond, we will also be keeping an eye on what teams, players and the League are doing off of it.

Baseball’s ability to bring people together is one of the virtues that has long made it our National Pastime. The game affords all of us with countless opportunities to create memories for fans and to impact the causes that are important to them. For Major League Baseball and its 30 Clubs, this unique stature represents a true privilege — one that we honor.

Robert D. Manfred Jr., Commissioner of Baseball | Accessed via

MLB is no stranger to using the power of baseball to create social change and positively impact communities all over the world. Check out some of the recent highlights (courtesy of of players and teams doing just that as we get ready for a great season ahead!

Image shows three former MLB players (Raul Ibanez, Jimmy Rollins and Ryan Howard) with a mom and son at an outdoor hospital event. The Marlins mascot can be seen in the background. Text on image reads: MLB brings smiles to young cancer patients in Miami" with a call to action to click to read the article

““There’s nothing better than a smile on a child. To see the children walk out, and the first thing they saw was Billy the Marlin — [there were] hugs immediately, smiles and laughter. And that’s really great. Especially knowing they were here today for treatment. They had big smiles and were ready for fun.”

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“This month, while it is about history, I think it is really important to remember that it is about our now and learning from our history and [learning] how we can continue to make change in the future and continue developing a better groundwork for the next generation.”

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Image shows a Zoom screen with youth and players. Text reads: "Red Sox celebrate BHM with career panel for young Black scholars" with a call to action to click the image to read more.
Photo of Blue Jay's Manoah with a young child on a baseball field. Text reads: "Manoah gives back with kids camp in hometown" with a call to action to click the image to read the full article.

“Being able to have a platform, being able to live out my dream — [it] started out as just a dream, just like all these kids. They’re just dreaming to be in the big leagues.”

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“[The Yankees] are committed neighbors, and we’re always looking to engage our neighbors and community partners to make a difference. That’s what we’re doing today; we’re making a difference. We’re going to make sure that individuals throughout the holiday season have a smile on their face.”

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Image shows a line of people receiving flyers outside Yankee stadium. Text reads: "Yankees give back to the Bronx on Thanksgiving" with a call to action to read the full article by clicking the image.
MLB logo (red and blue with a white outline of a player about toe hit a baseball) with text that reads: "Learn more about MLB's community service initiatives via" with a call to action to click the image to visit their community page.

Check out all of MLB Community’s work on